Hempsons Social Care Newsbrief Autumn/Winter 2018

Welcome to the latest edition of our Social Care Newsbrief, a round-up of some of the hot topics in the sector.

Read the full newsletter here.

Amidst the saturation of news of extreme politics on left and right, and of course Brexit, the voice of social care still struggles to get a hearing. One issue that has attracted attention though is the vexed question of sleep-ins, and remuneration of those required to sleep in but where no duties are performed. The Appeal Court recently decided that the National Living Wage was not required to be paid in these circumstances, and Martin Cheyne discusses the implications of this in his article – and points out commissioners are on the move even pending a possible Supreme Court hearing to look at reductions in contract prices.

Regulation, Regulation, Regulation – a familiar refrain for all providers of social care. One regulator can be challenging, two who are inspecting and challenging at the same time can feel overwhelming – Helen Claridge has some wise words to assist.

Never has it been more important for social care to have a collective voice and the Independent Care Group in North Yorkshire has been an outstanding example of a representative body really turning up the volume, making waves and making a difference as a result – read our discussion with their long serving Chair Mike Padgham and their newly appointed Chief Executive, Lisa Pickard who has exciting plans to build and develop the Independent Care Group to further extend its reach and its voice. It is a real pleasure to work with the Independent Care Group and its volunteer Board all of whom give freely of their time to serve.

Those looking to sell a care business – maybe with retirement planning on the horizon – will want to read Alison Willerby’s expert advice – Alison is a Specialist Business Appraiser at DC Care, and we were delighted that she came and spoke at our specialist social care seminars in the Spring – speaking of which, we will be giving presentations on a variety of topics at care association events in September and November, at the Dementia and Care Home Expo next March and we will also run our own very successful social care seminars next Spring – details of all of these dates for your diary can be found on page 8.

I am also pleased to announce that since our last Newsbrief Philippa Doyle and Helen Claridge have both been promoted to Partners.

I hope you find something of interest within this Newsbrief. I always enjoy hearing from those that read our Newsbriefs with any comments or opinions so please do get in touch.

Adam Hartrick, Partner

Read all the articles here:

Sleep-ins – what’s next?

Avoiding a war on two fronts

GDPR: are you compliant yet?

The Independent Care Group

Engaging with buyers: a practical guide on how to engage with buyers and maximise your chance of a sale

Upcoming events: 

Dementia and Care Home Expo – 26th and 27th March 2019, Birmingham NEC. Hempsons will be exhibiting and giving an employment law update

Hempsons Social Care Regulatory Seminars – 9th May 2019, Hempsons Harrogate and 16th May 2019, Hempsons Manchester