CQC to step up GP practice inspections from April

The CQC have announced that it will step up inspections of GP practices from April, targeting practices rated ‘inadequate’, ‘requires improvement’ or ‘good’ with breaches of regulation – and some with no breaches.

To continue reading the full article on GP Online please click here.

Our GP and social care legal teams are here to help with your dealings with the CQC and CQC inspections, including challenging CQC inspection reports where a report is not a fair description of a service – please see the links to our resources pages below:

Although this is drafted with a social care focus, the principles all apply to GPs practices and indeed anyone delivering a Regulated Activity who is registered with the CQC.

We are planning on running sessions on the different Fundamental Standards over the course of this year – look out for our information and invites for these coming soon.

We also offer training for care staff on the Fundamental Standards of Care. Click here to find out more.

We hope you found this information useful and please do get in touch if you have any questions.​

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