CQC single assessment framework – we’ve finally got a start date!

CQC announced after hours on Thursday 19 October, a start date for the single assessment framework. We’ve known for a few weeks that providers in the south would be the first to experience the new approach, and CQC have now confirmed that will be with effect from 21 November 2023.

Between 21 November and 4 December, CQC will undertake a small number of planned assessments with 14 early adopters.

The new assessment framework will then be expanded to all providers based on risk.

Providers in the south should receive information from CQC direct very shortly, and providers in the rest of the country will receive separate confirmation as to when the new approach will apply to their inspections.

Hempsons remind all providers that the way you deliver services and your need to comply with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, has not changed. What is changing is the way CQC inspect, score and rate your service.

If you have any questions about the new framework or would like more information about how this change will affect your service, visit our social care team page or contact us.