Global Digital Exemplars – Getting staff to adopt new ways of working

With the need to change and reconfigure the existing NHS workforce to meet the demands of new service models comes the need to ensure that the workforce are familiar with and are utilising new technology. A digitally fluent workforce is a necessity.

We anticipate that providers will need to recruit in to wholly new areas to provide the service required and it’s crucial that recruitment decisions are taken in an informed way.  Pre-employment checks, the risks of discrimination and fair procedures are all areas that trusts need to consider.  We also anticipate that there may be a need to engage with specialist recruitment agencies.

It’s likely also that existing service models need to be reorganised. This is likely to involve changes to terms and conditions, consultation, possible redundancies and general restructuring.  It is important to ensure the changes are implemented with the minimum legal risk and in a way such as to be effective.  Early consultation with individual employees and their representatives will be essential.

We anticipate that technological change will involve the increased use of temporary and agency staff in some new areas and it’s important to ensure hat trusts are aware of the regulations around this and don’t encounter any pitfalls.

To some employees the advent of new technology will be a significant challenge and it will be important to ensure that valuable employees are managed so as to positively manage their resistance and minimise the risk of any claims arising.  Our team of expert lawyers can advise on performance management, misconduct and dealing with resistance (individually and collectively) from employees as well as assisting trusts with the various issues raised above.

Our focus is on providing actionable advice that supports out clients in their decision making from recruitment through to robustly defending employment tribunals if necessary.

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