Hempsons, NHS Providers and Aldwych Partners launch new publication – An eight step guide to accountable care

Hempsons, NHS Providers and Aldwych Partners are pleased to launch a new guide identifying eight key steps STPs and their partner organisations should consider to support the evolution to accountable care. The guide is available here.

The move from STPs through to accountable care systems responsible for planning and delivering whole population care and onwards to accountable care organisations is now beginning to pick up pace. There are some areas rocketing ahead and others that are just starting to make progress, however all areas will be facing similar governance and legal challenges. Therefore in the early part of 2017 Hempsons and NHS Providers hosted a roundtable event to find out what advice you need in order to progress towards accountable care systems and organisations.

This joint publication is based on the discussions at the round table and we hope that it will provide you with useful advice in taking the next steps as you seek to work more closely with partners.

The guide outlines key issues to consider under the headings of Phasing, Partners, Governance, Contracting, Funding, Organisational Form, Enablers and Competition.

Co-author Jamie Foster, Partner, comments: “We hope this will be a useful tool for STPs and their partner organisations to review when considering the wide range of issues surrounding accountable care. This is a complex topic and by breaking it down into manageable steps we aim to guide those involved towards making the best decisions for their areas.”

If you require any further information, please contact Jamie Foster.

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