Urgent NHS Vacant Space Requirement

Hempsons, as a member of the Primary Care Premises Forum, has been asked to assist with the urgent collection of data on vacant and to let primary care accommodation for potential use during the current Covid-19 emergency.

This information has been requested by NHS England and Improvement and the Forum is tasked with producing details by tomorrow, 20 March 2020.

If you have or are aware of any suitable vacant space we would be pleased to help pass this on.  The details requested are:

  • Contact Details
  • Property Address
  • CCG Area
  • Unit Description
  • Current Spec
  • Size (Sqm)
  • Timing of Occupation (Immediate/1 month/3 months)
  • Region

If you can help, please contact Bryn Morgan on b.morgan@hempsons.co.uk

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