UK COVID-19 Public Inquiry online consultation ends at 23:59 on 7 April 2022

UK COVID-19 Public Inquiry online consultation ends at 23:59 on 7 April 2022

The UK COVID-19 Public Inquiry will examine the UK’s pandemic response and identify learning and make recommendations to support the UK being better prepared to respond to future pandemics.

The Terms of Reference will determine what the Inquiry is permitted to look at in examining the factual narrative, and will therefore inform the lessons that can be learned. For the UK COVID-19 Public Inquiry, the draft Terms of Reference are available here.

The public consultation on the draft Terms of Reference is the opportunity to give your views on whether they cover all the relevant issues, and to comment on how the Public Inquiry should operate.

The consultation closes at 7 April 2022 at 23:59.

Have your say by taking the Online Survey.