The Primary Care Premises Forum: Rent Review and Lease Renewal Guidance for GP Tenants

The Primary Care Premises Forum (PCPF) has published a guide to help GPs through the complex process of rent reviews and lease renewal.

The guidance was written by Hempsons’ expert, Lynne Abbess, alongside John Hearle, as Co-Chairs of PCPF. It has been prepared by the PCPF following full liaison with NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I), District Valuer Services (DVS) and the BMA.

Click here to read the document in full:

Please note that this is not a substitute for any official NHSE&I or BMA guidance or for any proper professional advice and neither the PCPF nor any of the bodies listed in the guidance accept any liability.

The Primary Care Premises Forum is an association of a number of organisations and individuals from the private sector with extensive specialist knowledge of the provision of primary care premises throughout the UK.  It has been established to promote best practice within its area of expertise.