The Charities Bill: What difference does it make to our charity?

The Charities Bill: What difference does it make to our charity?

The Law Commission has made a series of recommendations for legislative change to the Charities Act 2011 following extensive consultation.

The proposed changes include:

  1. being able to amend governing documents more easily;
  2. changes to rules for surveys on land disposals;
  3. more flexibility to use permanent endowment allowing trustees to borrow up to 25% of the value of the permanent endowment funds without the Charity Commission’s approval;
  4. trustees to be able to be paid for goods provided to the charity in certain circumstances even if not expressly stated in the governing document when it is in the best interests of the charity to do so; and
  5. simpler rules in relation to failed appeals.

Ian Hempseed and Helen Hirst will help you understand the impact these changes may have to your charity at a future webinar, date to be confirmed once the Charities Bill has progressed further through parliament.

Click here to pre-register for this webinar now.