NHS England Guidance on applying net zero and social value in procurement

NHS England Guidance on applying net zero and social value in procurement

PPN 06/20 introduced a new model to deliver social value, which applies to procurements covered by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and requires a minimum of a 10% weighting for social value questions.

In March 2022, NHS England published guidance to extend the principles within PPN 06/20 to ensure the consistent approach of all In-scope Organisations to apply net zero and social value to the commissioning and purchase of goods and services by NHS organisations.

Click here to read PPN 06/20 in full

Click here to read the guidance

The NHS England guidance sets out a clear approach to apply and implement such principles within PPN 06/20. The guidance sets out details on:

  • Selecting the social value themes.
  • Determining net zero and social value weighting at or above the 10%.
  • Adding net zero and social value questions into a tender.
  • Evaluating tender responses.
  • Effective contract management.

All procurements undertaken by In-scope Organisations will contribute to the Net Zero and Social Value goals and should therefore take such guidance into account when commissioning and purchasing goods and services.

Care is required when implementing the guidance, as In-scope Organisations will need to consider and be compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, as well as the impact implementing such guidance has on framework agreements.

All in scope organisations should adopt such guidance to all procurements from 1st April 2022.

Hempsons’ specialist procurement team can advise you on the issues raised within the guidance or any other procurement issues.