

Healthcare Regulators

Healthcare Regulators We have considerable experience in supporting our clients in their dealings with healthcare regulators, including NHS Improvement and NHS England (NHSI/E), the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). We advise: NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts on mergers, significant transactions and other transactions… Read More

Health and safety

Health and safety legal advice Our specialist health and social care health & safety lawyers provide clear legal advice together with creative, practical and cost-effective solutions on all aspects of contentious and non-contentious health and safety law, including those arising from construction projects. In recent years there has been an… Read More

Integrated Care Organisations

What is an Integrated Care Organisation in the NHS? The concept of accountable care is relatively new to the NHS. A commonly held definition of accountable care is a model which brings together a variety of provider organisations to take responsibility for the cost and quality of care for a… Read More

Integration – regulatory considerations

There are important regulatory considerations when putting place new models of care and new organisational forms. Organisations need to understand the registrations and licences that they need to have in place and make sure they have robust governance processes to ensure ongoing compliance with them. In particular: CQC… Read More

Integration – making the most of estates opportunities

When choosing a new care model organisations need to analyse where best to deliver the services from, which delivery partners will deliver those services and how they will own or occupy the relevant premises. The first thing organisations need to do is articulate their objectives. Once that is… Read More

Integration – workforce implications

New brochure: New care models: Workforce implications available here. The Forward View recognises that new care models will not deliver the necessary improvements without a workforce with the right skills, values and behaviours in place. One challenge for organisations is to make sure that the existing… Read More

Integration – complying with competition law

Putting in place new care models and developing new organisational forms does not automatically give rise to competition concerns. But any changes of this nature do require early consideration of competition law, even if it is simply to discount its relevance to the proposals. By competition law we are really… Read More

Integration – contracting options

Implementing new care models and STP ambitions is likely to mean updating or remodeling contracting arrangements. As part of the commissioning process commissioners and providers need to consider which contracting model will best allow them to drive service transformation and integration. This will be one of the questions that will… Read More